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College Connections -- The purpose of the College Connection Ministry is to keep in touch with our students as they graduate from high school and go off to college, to a technical school or to the military services.  This is a very crucial time in a young person’s life and we, as a church family, must stay in close contact with our youth to encourage them to stay close to the Lord during their college/university experience.
College students and prospective college students should give their contact information to the Young Adult Ministry Director to "Stay Connected."
Fairview members that are enrolled in a recognized school of higher education, post high school, are granted a financial scholarship, with criteria determined by the Scholarship Committee.  The funds for the scholarship are collected through donations.  A Sunday is designated at the church, usually in the month of January, as Scholarship Sunday, for the membership to make special donations to the Scholarship Fund.
Denise Patterson, Young Adult Director